Posts Tagged "selling"

Texas Move Up Plan

»Posted in Buying, move up plan, sell, Texas

Texas Move Up Plan

The Texas Move Up Program is especially suited for the growing success of Texans that need to move up by selling their current home to buy another home. Our network of experienced Texas REALTORS are here to assist you by making the process of moving up, a smart, simple, and a money saving transaction. We Sell your Texas home at a reduced commission cost. (TBD by our Agent and your situation) We assist you in finding and buying your next Texas property investment. It’s a win-win. Move up Plan qualification: You must be selling and buying a home in Texas. Qualify for our Texas Move Up Plan Your Name* First Last What area in Texas do you need to buy your next home?* What's the address of the home you need to sell?* Street Address City...

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Tips for Consumers

»Posted in Home Buying Tips

Tips for Consumers

Select the best to represent you Texas REALTOR® vs. real estate licensee Holding a real estate agent’s or real estate broker’s license does not make someone a REALTOR®. Here in Texas, membership in the National Association of REALTORS®, the Texas Association of REALTORS®, and one of 89 local associations or boards entitles real estate licensees to use the term “REALTOR®” on their business cards and in their marketing materials. Hiring a Texas REALTOR® means you’ve retained someone who is committed to continuing education, professionalism, and integrity. In addition to upholding the strict REALTOR® Code of Ethics, many Texas REALTORS® (like me) hold one or more professional designations—those letters behind our names indicating advanced or specialized training in...

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Avoiding foreclosure

»Posted in Avoiding Foreclosure, Home Buying Tips, Home Selling Tips

Avoiding foreclosure

What every homeowner should know No one buys a home hoping to get behind on payments and have the bank foreclose on it. Here are a few tips to avoid this problem altogether, and what to do if it does occur. Don’t set yourself up for failure There are two main ways to avoid foreclosure: Don’t put yourself in a situation where you won’t be able to afford your mortgage. Know how much you can really afford before you start shopping for a home and stick to that price range. Often, people over-extend themselves financially when in reality they don’t and won’t have the means to pay their mortgage payment. Just because the mortgage lender approves you for a loan at a certain amount doesn’t mean you can actually afford the payments on that loan. Understand your loan. Many...

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Luxury Home Showcase (Video)

»Posted in Lone Star Luxury, Lonestar Luxury Living, sell, Texas, Videos

Luxury Home Showcase (Video)

Luxury Home Marketing Video Example We will make a beautiful video of your Luxury Home for memories and marketing. For qualifying listings

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