Posts Tagged "move up plan"

Texas Move Up Plan

»Posted in Buying, move up plan, sell, Texas

Texas Move Up Plan

The Texas Move Up Program is especially suited for the growing success of Texans that need to move up by selling their current home to buy another home. Our network of experienced Texas REALTORS are here to assist you by making the process of moving up, a smart, simple, and a money saving transaction. We Sell your Texas home at a reduced commission cost. (TBD by our Agent and your situation) We assist you in finding and buying your next Texas property investment. It’s a win-win. Move up Plan qualification: You must be selling and buying a home in Texas. Qualify for our Texas Move Up Plan Your Name* First Last What area in Texas do you need to buy your next home?* What's the address of the home you need to sell?* Street Address City...

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