Posts Tagged "Buying"

Texas Move Up Plan

»Posted in Buying, move up plan, sell, Texas

Texas Move Up Plan

The Texas Move Up Program is especially suited for the growing success of Texans that need to move up by selling their current home to buy another home. Our network of experienced Texas REALTORS are here to assist you by making the process of moving up, a smart, simple, and a money saving transaction. We Sell your Texas home at a reduced commission cost. (TBD by our Agent and your situation) We assist you in finding and buying your next Texas property investment. It’s a win-win. Move up Plan qualification: You must be selling and buying a home in Texas. Qualify for our Texas Move Up Plan Your Name* First Last What area in Texas do you need to buy your next home?* What's the address of the home you need to sell?* Street Address City...

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How to secure home financing the smart way

»Posted in Home Buying Tips

How to secure home financing the smart way

Three elements are crucial to the purchase of a home—the down payment, closing costs, and qualifying for a mortgage. Here is a quick rundown of what you should know: Down payment Typically, conventional lenders will require a 20% down payment, although you may be able to find loans with down payments of as little as 5% (perhaps less in some cases). With down payments less than 20%, you likely will have to pay private mortgage insurance, which guarantees the lender will be repaid in case of default. Mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and those available to U.S. veterans often require very low down payments. Ask your lender if you can qualify for one of these loans. If you are having trouble coming up with the down payment, here are...

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Questions buyers should ask a mortgage lender

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Questions buyers should ask a mortgage lender

How do you decide which lender is best for you? There is a lot more to the mortgage process than getting a good rate. High costs in fees and poor service can come as very unhappy surprises. Here’s a list of suggested questions you might ask a lender: How large is your company, and how long has it been in business? Are you a licensed mortgage broker or loan officer in Texas? Is your company a mortgage banker or a mortgage broker? (A banker lends its own funds; a broker searches mortgage sources and arranges for you to receive financing from the lending entity.) What is the name, phone number, and e-mail address of the person who will actually be processing my loan application? How accessible is that person? Tell me about all loan fees. What fees must I pay up...

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When checking out a house…

»Posted in Home Buying Tips

When checking out a house…

…Leave your emotions at home Homebuyers often follow their hearts, and they should. Sometimes just going with a gut feeling is the best indicator. But when it’s house-touring time, it’s important to set those emotions aside and replace them with clear-headed thinking and a critical eye. Otherwise, your potential dream house might just turn into a money pit. Although you should always hire a professional inspection before you complete the sale, you can spot the more obvious trouble signs early in the process simply by knowing what to look for. You can quickly check five key areas to determine if the home has serious problems. Roof. A new roof can cost between $5,000 and $15,000 depending on the type. A quick method to determine if the roof is leaking is to...

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Your home Inspection

»Posted in Home Buying Tips

Your home Inspection

A home inspection is well worth the cost When buying a home, how do you know what you’re getting? Most people probably only think of one or two questions to ask a home inspector: “How much is your fee?” and “When can you be there?” But these only scratch the surface. Here’s a list of suggested questions you might ask: What types of licenses do you hold What kind of training do you have? Do you belong to a professional inspectors’ association? How long have you been licensed in Texas? Are you a full-time home inspector? How much do you charge? Do you also perform repairs? (If the answer is yes, that may indicate a conflict of interest) What will the inspection include? (Get specifics. It should include the electrical, heating, and central air-conditioning...

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Tips for Buying

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Tips for Buying

Is now a good time to buy a house in Texas? As a Texas REALTOR®, I can assist you with this important decision. Buying a house is a big step. The right time to take this leap depends on your financial and personal goals. If you are considering buying a house now, here are some strong reasons why the timing could be right: Housing prices in Texas have been steadily rising at a moderate pace for many years, even while other states have experienced wild price fluctuations. There are Texas-specific programs that can lower your interest rate or provide additional tax-credit incentives. Interest rates are at or near record lows. Even small reductions in the interest rate can significantly boost the purchase price you can afford when buying a home. Texas has one of the...

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