Posts made in March, 2014

Staging your home to sell

»Posted in Home Selling Tips

Staging your home to sell

A few changes may decrease time on the market and increase sales price. You know you should clean everything and get rid of clutter. But aside from that, how do you broaden the appeal of your house? Here are a few tips: Walk through the house and prioritize things that, if changed, would increase the value of your home. For example, repainting a child’s bubblegum pink bedroom may attract more buyers than something not as apparent, such as replacing an old dishwasher. You can direct a potential buyer’s eye away from something negative or toward something positive. Use artwork or a room’s own features, such as a fireplace, to capture a buyer’s attention. However, there’s a fine line. You want buyers to be able to appreciate the room and not just focus on the items...

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17 consejos simples para hacer su casa más atractiva a la venta

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17 consejos simples para hacer su casa más atractiva a la venta

Asegúrese de que su entrada diga “Mírame”  Corte las ramas secas de los árboles. Pinte (o retoque) la fachada (el exterior) y repare las ventanas y redes anti-insectos Limpie las ventanas. Inspeccione su sistema de aire acondicionado Repare los grifos (llaves de agua) que tengan fugas de agua, los escusados y las luces que estén fallando. Aspire alfombras y cortinas. Repare las pequeñas grietas en las paredes, tape las grietas en los baños y en la cocina. Limpie los armarios. Remueva el exceso de muebles. Mantenga perros o gatos fuera de la vista de los visitantes. Corte el césped y las orillas en el garaje y las aceras. Asegúrese de que las ventanas, puertas y cerrojos funcionen correctamente. Quite las malas hierbas y pode los arbustos. Tire la basura del...

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17 simple things to make your home more marketable

»Posted in Home Selling Tips, sell

17 simple things to make your home more marketable

Make sure your entranceway says “Hey, look at me!” Prune dead limbs from trees. Paint (or touch up) exterior, and repair screens and windows. Clean your windows. Check A/C and heating systems. Fix leaky faucets, toilets, and faulty lights. Vacuum drapes and carpets. Repair wall cracks, re-caulk bathrooms and kitchen. Clear out closets. Remove excess furniture. Keep cats and dogs out of visitors’ way. Mow lawn, edge driveway and walkways Ensure windows, doors, and locks work smoothly. Weed flower beds and trim shrubs. Throw out junk from garage and storage areas. Clean lawn furniture. If you have a pool, make it crystal clear. For more tips to make your home more marketable, or for buying or selling a home in Texas, contact us. <- back to Home Selling...

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Tips for Selling

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Tips for Selling

Is now a good time to sell your house? As a Texas REALTOR®, I can assist you with this important decision. There are many reasons people consider selling a home. Whether you’re thinking of upgrading, downsizing, or simply making a change, you may be wondering if the timing is right. Here are several reasons why this may be a good time to put your home on the market. Housing prices in Texas have been steadily rising at a moderate pace for many years, even while other states have experienced wild price fluctuations. Chances are that your home is worth more than even a few years ago. Record-low interest rates motivate buyers to act on their desire to purchase a home and give them more purchasing power. Unlike several other states that...

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Tips for Consumers

»Posted in Home Buying Tips

Tips for Consumers

Select the best to represent you Texas REALTOR® vs. real estate licensee Holding a real estate agent’s or real estate broker’s license does not make someone a REALTOR®. Here in Texas, membership in the National Association of REALTORS®, the Texas Association of REALTORS®, and one of 89 local associations or boards entitles real estate licensees to use the term “REALTOR®” on their business cards and in their marketing materials. Hiring a Texas REALTOR® means you’ve retained someone who is committed to continuing education, professionalism, and integrity. In addition to upholding the strict REALTOR® Code of Ethics, many Texas REALTORS® (like me) hold one or more professional designations—those letters behind our names indicating advanced or specialized training in...

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Evite el embargo o la ejecución hipotecaria

»Posted in Avoiding Foreclosure, Home Buying Tips, Home Selling Tips

Evite el embargo o la ejecución hipotecaria

Lo que todo dueño de casa debe saber Nadie compra una casa esperando atrasarse en los pagos mensuales, para que después el banco ejecute o embargue la propiedad. A continuación le damos algunos consejos para evitar este problema y soluciones en caso de que ocurra. No anticipe el fracaso Hay dos maneras principales de evitar la ejecución hipotecaria: No se ponga en la situación de no poder pagar su hipoteca. Conozca cuánto puede realmente pagar antes de salir a buscar casa y manténgase dentro del presupuesto. A menudo, la gente extiende demasiado sus posibilidades financieras, cuando en realidad no tienen ni tendrán los medios para pagar la hipoteca. Tan sólo porque el prestamista hipotecario le aprueba un préstamo de cierta cantidad, no significa que usted...

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Avoiding foreclosure

»Posted in Avoiding Foreclosure, Home Buying Tips, Home Selling Tips

Avoiding foreclosure

What every homeowner should know No one buys a home hoping to get behind on payments and have the bank foreclose on it. Here are a few tips to avoid this problem altogether, and what to do if it does occur. Don’t set yourself up for failure There are two main ways to avoid foreclosure: Don’t put yourself in a situation where you won’t be able to afford your mortgage. Know how much you can really afford before you start shopping for a home and stick to that price range. Often, people over-extend themselves financially when in reality they don’t and won’t have the means to pay their mortgage payment. Just because the mortgage lender approves you for a loan at a certain amount doesn’t mean you can actually afford the payments on that loan. Understand your loan. Many...

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Aclarando Mitos Comunes a la Hora de Comprar una Casa

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Aclarando Mitos Comunes a la Hora de Comprar una Casa

Ser propietario de su hogar puede ser más fácil de lo que usted se imagina Saber es poder, especialmente si lo que desea es comprar su primera casa. Aunque el proceso de compra tiene muchos mitos que distorsionan la realidad, ser propietario puede ser una realidad a su alcance. Por ejemplo, usted no tiene que dar 20% de enganche o pago inicial, no tiene que tener un historial de crédito perfecto, y no tiene que aceptar un préstamo con intereses altos o tarifas innecesarias. REALTORS® está comprometido a despejar estos mitos y hacer que el Sueño Americano de ser propietario de su propio hogar, sea una realidad para más personas. Además, yo he recibido entrenamiento específico sobre programas disponibles en Texas, que facilitan la compra de una casa por medio de...

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Dispelling common homebuying myths

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Dispelling common homebuying myths

Owning your own home may be more realistic than you think Knowledge is power, particularly if you are striving to afford your first home. The homebuying process has many myths, though. For instance, you don’t have to put 20% down, you don’t have to have perfect credit, and you don’t have to accept a high interest rate or junk fees. Texas REALTORS® are committed to dispelling these myths and making the American Dream of homeownership a reality for more people. Some have taken additional training in affordable housing through a program called the Texas Affordable Housing Specialist certification. Here are a few details about purchasing a home that may interest you: Many local, state, and national programs are available in Texas offering downpayment assistance or...

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Assess a home’s security

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Assess a home’s security

Look at every home through the eyes of a burglar. The Federal Bureau of Investigation reports that 2.1 million burglaries were committed in 2004. Not all of these situations involved forced entry; many were the result of unlocked doors and windows. Once you close that loophole, though, how can you determine if one house is more vulnerable than another? Well, a residence surrounded by a 15-foot electric fence and patrolled by guard dogs might be a giveaway, but here are some more-subtle ways to judge a house’s security. Entrances should be visible and the exterior well-lit. Thieves don’t like to be seen. If a home’s doors and most-accessible windows are visible from the street or a neighbor’s house, they might look for another home. Most homes have outside lights;...

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Welcome to Texas!

»Posted in Home Buying Tips

Welcome to Texas!

Information to help you settle into the Lone Star State If you just moved to Texas, you’ll soon learn plenty about the culture, customs, and history of the state. In the meantime, here are a few items to consider as you get acclimated. Get legal on the road As a new Texas resident, you have 30 days to register your vehicle and get your driver’s license. Before you register your vehicle, though, it must pass the state inspection process. In order, here are the three steps to follow: Take your vehicle to a state inspection station. You can find a list of what types of inspections are required in your county and an inspections-station locator at When you go, make sure you take your driver’s license and proof of insurance. If your insurance...

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Consejos para arreglar su crédito

»Posted in Home Buying Tips

Consejos para arreglar su crédito

4 Maneras para mejorarlo Corregir el mal crédito puede poner a cualquiera en apuros, ya sea por causa de balances pendientes en sus tarjetas de crédito, pérdida de la propiedad hipotecada por orden judicial o quiebra personal. Arreglar un crédito con problemas nunca es tarea fácil, pero con un poco de paciencia y la información necesaria, usted puede lograrlo. He aquí 4 maneras de comenzar. 1. Establezca un Presupuesto Elimine o suspenda toda transacción de crédito. Aunque le cueste trabajo, destruya o esconda sus tarjetas de crédito. Haciendo esto, usted comienza administrar mejor sus ingresos y controlar mejor sus gastos. Lo importante es balancear el dinero que entra y el dinero que sale. Procure que su presupuesto sea flexible. Considere todos los gastos de...

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